Cold Jet Academy

October 2022

Written by The Cold Jet Team | Oct 4, 2022 1:04:00 PM

Why is preventative maintenance so important for your Cold Jet equipment?

In this edition of Cold Jet Academy, we are going to a look at the importance of routine preventative maintenance.


Did you know...

Did you know that up to 40% of our repairs are related to short-term failures which could be prevented with regularly-scheduled preventative maintenance services?
A key component of a reliable and high performance machine is preventative maintenance by either annual or hourly output. With a service agreement, Cold Jet will ensure that you never miss the right time for preventative maintenance.
Whether it's dry ice blasting or dry ice production equipment, we can provide you with confidence that your machine will be ready to perform. 



Get your personal service agreement!

Short-term failures can cause associated costs and production downtime. If you have a service agreement, our Cold Jet service technicians can automatically contact you to arrange your personal preventative maintenance visit. These service agreements include Cold Jet CONNECT Care, Analytics, and Enterprise. Care and Enterprise include an annual onsite preventative maintenance inspection from a certified service technician and additional years of standard manufacturer warranty (renewed for up to 3 years total). To request a Cold Jet standard or custom service agreement for your equipment, use this form.


Check your equipment frequently as recommended

You will find the maintenance and inspection procedures for your Cold Jet equipment in the operator manual. This can be found on, where we provide the latest and greatest machine documentation. This can be accessed from your PC or mobile device and by scanning the QR code on your machine. We also provide spare part kits available for each machine to help get your equipment back online faster. 



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