Cold Jet Academy

July 2022

Posted by The Cold Jet Team on Jul 15, 2022 2:37:30 PM

Air Quality Matters

In this edition of Cold Jet Academy, we will discuss the importance of air quality for your dry ice blasting machine.



Plant Air vs. Portable Air

There are two basic types of air systems used with dry ice blasting machines: Plant Air and Portable Air. Plant air is a central compressed air system within a manufacturing facility and it is the most common air source. It typically provides good quality instrument compressed air. Portable air usually involves a diesel-powered compressor and usually has a higher moisture content with higher temperature air. It also requires additional air cleaning and cooling equipment.




Low Moisture = Optimal Performance

The compressed air supplied to the dry ice blasters must have a low moisture level for optimal and continued performance. When it comes to ISO 8573-1, a compressed air quality specification, it is recommended that the moisture content of the supply air meet the minimum class 4 for standard intermittent usage with high density 3mm dry ice pellets and meet the minimum class 2 for continual non-stop blasting with microparticles.




How to Mitigate Moisture

Too much moisture can cause water ice clogging within the dry ice blasting machine and accessories. It can also contaminate the surfaces you are trying to clean. The Cold Jet After Cooler will change all that by removing up to 80% of moisture from the ambient air. It will also cool the compressed air to within 5° of the ambient temperature.


Click here to contact our Customer Service team to find out more about how to improve air quality.






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