Cold Jet Academy

August 2023

Posted by Cold Jet on Aug 15, 2023 9:00:00 AM

❄Ice Cold Reliability for Your Dry Ice Blaster❄

As technology advances, so does the world of industrial cleaning and surface preparation. Dry ice blasting has become a preferred method for its non-abrasive and eco-friendly characteristics. At the forefront of this innovation is Cold Jet, a pioneering company that has developed the patented SureFlow System - a game changer in the realm of dry ice blasting!


Banish Clumps, Boost Efficiency




This system ensures a steady and consistent flow of compressed air, coupled with the precise feeding of 3mm dry ice pellets. Humidity plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of dry ice blasting. Compressed and ambient air often contain varying levels of moisture, which can negatively impact the process. Moisture can cause dry ice pellets to clump together, leading to uneven blasting and reduced cleaning performance. However, with the Sure Flow System, these challenges are comprehensively addressed.




SureFlow, For Sure!




The SureFlow system comprises several key components that work in synergy. A sealed lid and an insulated hopper that minimizes moisture content, which reduces the risk of water ice forming. Agitation devices such as ramrods, vibrators, a thumper, etc. keep the dry ice from bridging to the inside of the hopper. Lastly, hopper isolation on rubber mounts ensure that this agitation is strategically targeted to optimize dry ice feeding reliability. This ensures that you spend less time dealing with dry ice feeding issues and more time blasting! 


Don't Dry Ice Blast Without It


In conclusion, the patented SureFlow system's agitation, insulation, isolation, and sealed lid are designed to keep dry ice moving efficiently. In some cases, you can even run a full hopper of up to 100 lbs (45 kg) through up to 100 feet (30 meters) without poking or clogging, with minimal loss of cleaning aggression. Experience the reliability of the SureFlow System!


If you have any questions, please contact us!



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