Cold Jet Academy

May 2023

Posted by Cold Jet on May 24, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Dry Ice Quality & Storage

The quality of dry ice used in blasting can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. Similarly, proper storage of dry ice is also crucial to maintain its quality and prevent waste. In this edition, we will discuss the importance of dry ice quality for blasting.


Quality = Blasting Effectiveness




Poor dry ice quality can lead to inconsistent and inefficient blasting, resulting in increased production downtime for cleaning. The following are some factors that determine the quality of dry ice for blasting:

  • Purity: Dry ice should be made from high-quality, food-grade carbon dioxide to ensure it is free of impurities. Impurities such as sulfur and chlorine can cause contamination and damage to the surfaces being cleaned.
  • Size & Shape: The size and shape of pellets used in blasting should be uniform to ensure consistent results. Irregular shapes can lead to inconsistent blasting, which can result in uneven cleaning and damage.
  • Density: The density should be consistent to ensure they can withstand the high-velocity impact required for effective blasting. Low-density pellets can shatter on impact, leading to ineffective cleaning.

Therefore, it is essential to choose a reliable supplier of high-quality dry ice for blasting.




Proper Storage




Dry ice is a perishable media and needs to be stored properly to maintain its quality. Improper storage can lead to waste and moisture build-up as well as safety concerns. The following are some factors that determine proper storage of dry ice:

  • Temperature: It should be stored in a well-insulated and appropriate container to maintain the low temperature and prevent the build up from water ice on & in the container.
  • Ventilation: Dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas, which can displace oxygen and cause asphyxiation. Therefore, dry ice storage areas should be well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide gas.
  • Handling: Gloves or tongs should be used when handling dry ice to prevent skin burns and frostbite. 

This reduction in waste also helps to minimize costs associated with frequent purchases.



If you have any questions, please contact us!



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